How does it look like from here on?

So I have resigned and am free after a long time in my career. This is a special time and I feel everybody must maximise what they can benefit from this situation.

I tend to be biased a bit on the personal growth side. I feel I must do as much as I can and see what I end up building.

So I am an outsider actually, come from a firmware background in Intel and only ever used NLP to solve problems for our team. Beginning of this year was special, I intuitively felt I must not keep sitting on the sidelines for this tech-morphosis. Hence I started working hard to play catch up to the SoTA in a field where we were getting apparent SoTA papers every other day. It was fun, tiring but mostly fun at the end and not in vain at all.

My e/xperiments discord server has grown to have 135 members and I have not tried to put a lot of effort into promoting it anywhere. There are some members there whose joy and enthusiasm when they hack is super exhilarating.

I have been playing Office and OSS (like Bruce Wayne and Batman) for a long time now in this year and have barely done anything worthwhile so far. Hope to build great things and have fun.

I would share every challenge I face here.

Current challenges seem to be:

  • Defining rules of contribution and setting expectations right with what we do and would support in the server.
  • Identifying what we want to support as primary goal for the next two months and exactly how far we want to go there.
  • Managing my own growth and filling the cracks in my foundation.

More on how things went on these fronts next week.